Emily Frazier

Its Getting More and More Real | Goodbyes Begin

Over a year and a half after deciding to move onto a medical ship as a photographer for the communication teams, I am still heading there. Its been (what feels like) a very long journey to board. Initially, I was preparing to join the ship in…

Emily Frazier
Its Getting More and More Real | Goodbyes Begin
Emily Frazier

Mercy Ships Certified | Classes are *almost* over!

Well, it’s been a long and fast three and half weeks. I received my “Onboarding” certificate which means I’m ready to…

Emily Frazier
Mercy Ships Certified | Classes are *almost* over!
Emily Frazier

Driving Manual, Both Mind and Truck // The Social Dilemma

I started noticing in the midst of quarantine that when I was finally given all the time I’ve ever wanted, I still ended up on my phone. I still ended up on youtube, TikTok, Instagram, or Facebook. It was humbling, to say the least. I thought if only I had enough time, I would learn the guitar, take up running, learn a language, start illustrating and writing more. I just watched more Netflix. I just scrolled more.

I needed to cope through the…

Emily Frazier
Driving Manual, Both Mind and Truck // The Social Dilemma
Emily Frazier

I Want a Temporary Home Again

I miss train rides. Looking out plane windows and clutching the armrests for a bumpy landing. I miss walking into a new bedroom.

A bedroom that will become a home for a while.

Unzipping my suitcases and digging around for a phone charger and my tooth brush. The essentials after a day worth of traveling.

As a third culture kid, these temporary homes are home. I’ve never felt so stifled and so trapped in my life. I think everyone feels like that right now.

This is the longest I’ve…

Emily Frazier
I Want a Temporary Home Again
Emily Frazier

"I'm just getting use to it. It'll change" isn't really valid anymore... 

but above all I'm sixteen. The iconic age. And it's probably one of the most terrifying thing out of all of that. That I only have one more month to ever be 16 again. And I don't know how to handle that- how to react. Should I do some stuff? Should I celebrate the month? Should I cry? Or celebrate. I don't know. But I do know what is the only thing that scares me more than the reality of my aging... That I'm a junior in highschool. The age that people will….

Emily Frazier
"I'm just getting use to it. It'll change" isn't really valid anymore... 
Emily Frazier

Evening Walk | Sept 06 2020

This season has been very strange. I’ve felt stretched in what I use to think was trusting God- what I use to think was walking blindly in faith. I’m in Memphis. In whiplash of Covids effects globally and personally, I’ve found myself living with a best friend I never thought I would get to share a home with- I’m reading more than I ever have (it’s not a lot, but it’s better than my a book a year track record.) I’m still in a nomadic mindset, trying not to dig my uplifting roots to deep, but they are desperate for security. My new move date is…

Emily Frazier
Evening Walk | Sept 06 2020
Emily Frazier

Dropped Pizza and Splattered Eggs

So I’m still in America... I was expecting to be settling into ship life off the coast of West Africa in these July days, however as we are all very weary of discussing, Covid19 has had other plans. I have this weird habit of taking photos of dropped food in city streets because there is something so tragically funny about it. I found these two from earlier this year. Im sure many can relate that life feels a little like either your pizza just fell on the ground, or you are the pizza that has been dropped on the ground. 😂 Though I’m continuing to remind myself that….

Emily Frazier
Dropped Pizza and Splattered Eggs
Emily Frazier

Trying To Pause Time My Whole Life

Photography isn’t a necessity to life. It hasn’t been around for centuries. Documentation isn’t even a necessity of life, however, as humans, we have been documenting through countless mediums forever. Paintings, writings, pressing flowers, saving postcards and momentous, spoken word, lyrics, videos, and photos. I started documenting before I ever touched my first camera. I saved little…

Emily Frazier
Trying To Pause Time My Whole Life
Emily Frazier

These Normals Raised Me too

Recently I drove down a block towards the church I spent jr high and high school at, and it hit me. I spent 5 years with this drive being the most normal drive. I don’t want to forget how many normals I’ve had. The speed bumps mt flip flops would trudge over headed to the neighborhood pool at grammys in the summers in America. The potholes on briercrest road that would cut out my radio. The halls of the church that even when i didn’t feel like I fit, it was predictable and it fit- it never changed. I Never want to forget knowing that

Emily Frazier
These Normals Raised Me too
Emily Frazier

9 Years Ago Today...

Nine years ago today I took this photo four months before moving | time passes slowly but also all at once. When I saw this view again, I felt a peace I’ve never felt. We dragged our luggage down escalators and loaded them onto the Izbon. At our stop Bostanli, we wandered up almost familiar cobble streets to our Airbnb. I was relieved to be here. To be in Bostanli. It all felt…

Emily Frazier
9 Years Ago Today...
Emily Frazier

Questions On a Second Date

I honestly don’t remember if I used these, but I found this note from 2019 in my phone. The photo was definitely from a second date. Just not sure if the questions were necessary for conversation. Not sure what I was anticipating, but clearly I anticipated the need for these.

“If you were office supplies what would you be?

What are three things you always want to be

Emily Frazier
Questions On a Second Date
Emily Frazier

My Heart Caught Its Breath

“It feels like my heart has finally gotten to catch its breath. It’s finally had moment to not hurt. Like the hurt is paused for two weeks. Im home.” I wrote this looking out onto the most familiar yet rare sight. With the wind sweeping past me so strongly I couldn’t hear much around me. Being a TCK is really cool. I’ve lived two very different lives in two very different countries. With the auto-cool factor I spent way too much of middle school and high school hiding my differences. I would play a game to…

Emily Frazier
My Heart Caught Its Breath
Emily Frazier

Like No Time Had Passed

When you travel, you are in constant hunt of people you can stay with. It’s one of the beauties of networking and friends. Prepping to fly to Arizona, there was a little anxiety. I was headed to see people who I hadn’t seen since I was 9. The Norriss’ were a huge part of my childhood. Even if I don’t remember a lot of our memories together, I do know the moment I walked into their Phenoix home, that everything was

Emily Frazier
Like No Time Had Passed
Emily Frazier

Egg Masala

Notes as Lasya makes Egg Masala and Dal….Her kitchen was filled the scents of cumin, onions, and everything good. She greeted me at the door, and made me tea. As she cooked, I opened each container in her pantry and we laughed as I guessed what was in each one. We ate dinner discussing the importance of….

Emily Frazier
Egg Masala
Emily Frazier

Always Not Enough

I feel never turned off- always not enough. Not doing enough, not fulfilling the simple roles I play in life. Consistently missing texts and calls- replying to emails inconsistently either immediately or 5 days later. My room is overwhelming. I don't feel…

Emily Frazier
Always Not Enough