Emily Frazier

"I'm just getting use to it. It'll change" isn't really valid anymore... 

Emily Frazier
"I'm just getting use to it. It'll change" isn't really valid anymore... 

This was found in my notes from 2014. I’ve laughed every year I redisocver it in my notes. The over-dramatic, frivolous language and the above is so funny. I’m so glad I have a glimpse into my younger mind.

Titled: 16 years old

“Growing up is not glamorous... But honostly I never thought it would be. Not to say I thought the stuff older people got to do was glamorous but more so the process. 

The reality is that I am a licensed driver, professional (ish) photographer, certified life guard, employed, business owner, money saver, gas buyer, church leader, mentoring role, but above all I'm sixteen. The iconic age. And it's probably one of the most terrifying thing out of all of that. That I only have one more month to ever be 16 again. And I don't know how to handle that- how to react. Should I do some stuff? Should I celebrate the month? Should I cry? Or celebrate. I don't know. But I do know what is the only thing that scares me more than the reality of my aging... That I'm a junior in highschool. The age that people will comfort your stressful face "aww you don't have to know yet! You've still got a year." But then turn around and ask "but where are you going to college? And what are you majoring in?  

Please. I have no idea what I'm doing. I have a dog who never fully loves me because I don't play with her, a car that is pretty much a wardrobe, first aid stop, and outdoorsy shed. I've got 3 changes of clothes always, first aid, wound wash, frisbee, eno... And computer, camera, the whole freakin nine yards. Not to mention my freakin chacos  and tenni shoes that go in my car with my chalk. Though this is irrelevant it's not. This is actually me. A quote " the longer you wait or the future the shorter it will be" so essentially since it's been basically 11 months... We should probably except that the phrase "I'm just getting use to it. It'll change" isn't really valid anymore... 

Like I'm old enough to get certified in stuff I want to do. “