Afternoon Wedding | Cayleigh + Mitchell | Timeline Hack

Heading into my meeting with Cayleigh + Mitchell, we had no set schedule in plan, starting from scratch for their timeline. We knew the ceremony was going to be 2:00. As we started brainstorming the idea of a first look came up. First looks have many advantages including getting lots of photos down pre-ceremony!
Cayleigh + Mitchell's church is out in Bartlett, off a not very pretty main road. When they decided on a first look, I asked them, "where?" And when I ask where, I mean WHERE! It could be anywhere you want. If we have freedom of time, then why stay constricted to a brick church with an asphalt parking lot? "We could go to Shelby farms!" Cayleigh exclaimed and so I started typing away. Questions that follow are, "Should we do wedding party photos at Shelby farms too? How long is the drive from Shelby Farms to the church? Family photos before or after the ceremony?"
What we created was a timeline that gave enough time for us to get there and back. Such an awesome way to have beautiful location mid-day.
I alway request at least 10-15 minutes with the couple after the ceremony even with a first look prior. There is something so special about those first moments of husband and wife. The weight of wedding planning, anticipating, and pressure is just OFF all of the sudden; They just get to hold each other and breathe it in! Cayleigh and Mitchell were excited about this part, but the timeline just wasn't adding up on how many family photos we needed and how quickly they needed to head into to the reception. Even if we did squish in 10 minutes, it was again going to be outside in the best spot we could find around the church.
So then I pitched,"What if we took y'all's portraits AFTER the reception?!" I've done this a couple times, but tossing the idea out can seem almost too unconventional for certain couples, but Cayleigh + Mitchell both grabbed the idea. "YES! I like that idea!" And with that, we could literally go anywhere in the city we wanted! Mitchell had an internship downtown, and suggested we take some down on Main street and around that area. This stirs my little creative heart round. It's the intimacy and excitement of the wedding day, with the chill and freedom of an engagement shoot. What more could you ask for? So next time you are stumped by a wedding's location, pitch out some wild timeline ideas, pick a part the wedding day and re build it. Its not that the couple wants it that way, they just haven't been given other options. Below I have attached the timeline from Cayleigh + Mitchel's wedding, as well as my very favorites from our time downtown!
Details (Have details ready in a box/bag)
Church, exterior
Reception/venue details
Church, prepped
Cayleigh getting ready
Church, downstairs
Mitchell getting ready
Church, upstairs
Cayleigh in dress
Church, downstairs
Mitchell heads to first look w/ EM
Shelby Farms
Cayleigh leaves for first look
Shelby Farms
First look
Shelby Farms
Wedding Party
Shelby Farms
C is hidden
Family Photos
Up on stage, church
Food is served
Church hall
Mr+Mrs entrance
Church hall
Bouquet Toss + Garter Toss
Exit (streamers)
Church, main entrence
Downtown Portraits
Meet a Majestic Grill, Main Street
Mr + Mrs are officially off!
From downtown
Why not stop into Stock and Belle, and get some 387 Pantry coffee? Again, we had no where to be!
"When we were planning the wedding, the only thing that made since was to take pictures after the wedding because it was at 2. I hadn't really heard of people doing this, but Emily made sure we knew it would be good for the pictures and good for us. When we were on our way to take the pictures, Mitchell and I felt so relieved. I remember both of us saying how happy we were with the wedding and then we still were happy to get to take pictures, just the two of us in a really beautiful place and for the day to not be completely over. Taking our pictures after the afternoon wedding and reception was the most fun and better than I could have dreamed. We laughed and even got to sit down and drink coffee. One of the small things that I now love about the pictures is that we both had our wedding bands on in our wedding pictures. It was easy and fun to take the pictures afterwards because the hard part was already over. I would do it all over again for the complete joy I felt for the no rush, happiness of taking beautiful pictures with my just married to husband." - Cayleigh (Bride)
Reflections on South Main were perfect! I loved this time we just sat and chatted about the day.