Traveling Alone | Tips & Stories

Going into March I wasn't feeling too anxious; That is until March 14th the day before I took off to Europe by myself. I was getting on a plane alone for the first time, as an adult for the first time, as well as going over the Atlantic for the first time since we moved to the US. *Cue all the emotions* I spent the next 5 weeks traveling through six airports and 1o airplanes. I am far from saying I am experienced as a solo traveler, but there is nothing like a dramatic learning curve that must be documented somewhere! So here's the thing - even if you have traveled all your life with your family and friends (first 14 years of my life), you might as well be a wandering a kid from 5o years ago that doesn't even know what a plane is. Not to terrify you, but it's drastically different. Without others with me, the humor is lost, and I tend to be a little dramatic - bear with me.
Be in control. Just go in through those sliding airport doors knowing you are BA (cause you are), and be confident. Do not believe the one airport worker you talked to - always talk to more than one official. You switch that weight around before they make you pay €50 for the extra three pounds. It's worth it.Story time: I officially chose the largest carry-on that never passed as carry-on for 5 weeks. When I went to England from Germany, I took this carry-on and a backpack. KLM- cityhopper are lil sassy about their 12kg rule. I was trying to not check my bag in case of losing it (lol..). I was stopped at check in for my tickets and asked to weigh it. I ended up taking out a vest and a camera lens. That did the trick.. I did this after Alice, my cousin, advised me to try. And now I've learned, you can stay in control. At least give it a try if anything. There is nothing like being told "It cannot - don't even try to say a word." from an airport official. #rude
LOOK AT THE BOARD. It does not matter what your ticket says, or what they told you; you're gate is subject to change all the stinkin time. So make sure to check the boards for your flight number constantly. Tip: I always find my time slot area first on the board (ex. 11:00- 11:30 departure ) , then find my destination (ex. Frankfurt ), then can find my actual flight number. Coming from a person who still mixes us was and saw, and has her own dyslexic moments - the flashing boards are my literal nightmare. It is truly a skill-set that takes lots of experience to get (you would think I've got it down by now...)
Don't let them flirt with you. (Single, alone, and looking flustered #attractive ?!?) You have one job, to get through security and customs. It is no fun to be held back because someone is being a little too chatty. Get the job done and go. Be a professional and they will be too (even the European boys, i promise.) I know it sounds fun, but truly it is so ridiculous. I was slightly horrified that I was being flirted with during security and random checks. "So I'm sure by now a pretty girl like you has found herself a german man, eh?" I'm trusting this guy to make sure everyone going through is not carrying a weapon or is a threat? Yeah.. uh huhhh ALSO Fact: I'm convinced it is apart of the application to be a EU customs officer to be tall, dark, and handsome. Lol as if you weren't already at a loss for words...
Always have copies of your passport, tickets (check in numbers, ticket numbers, ect.) as well as the list of addresses and names of people you are staying with. Border control is no joke. p.s. Try not to mention that you grew up in Turkey if you can help it. lol... s/0 to UK border control for scaring me to death.) p.p.s Try not to fall asleep on the plane when they are handing out the international cards to fill out. p.p.p.s Don't get into the EU line. You will soon discover you are a lonesome blue passport clinger among confident red passport holders... It's real awk, y'all.
Don't be embarrassed. Honestly I felt like an idiot most of the time I was in an airport. I grew up finding gates, reading boards, and navigating the whole system, yet alone, I spent triple the time wandering the same strip of area figuring out if my gate was upstairs or downstairs. Just wander. I seriously went up and down one escalator four times before I realized I was in the wrong terminal.. In Amsterdam I was so flustered that my gate wasn't announced till 10 minutes boarding I wound up in a private wing of the airport and was so confused. They escorted back to the public lounge... #iknow #painful #imthatgirl
IF YOU ARE LATE - let everyone know. If you were on a delayed flight, you tell someone at the customs line, at the security line, they can let you go forward, in front for you to make your flight, and if not, you tried. Also, many times within an airport there are check in stops for big airlines. Ex. If you are traveling Delta, there are Delta booths alone the gates. If you have the shortest layover known to man, ask your airlines to call ahead. They can hold the plane for a maximum of 10 minutes for you to run. I've done it, it works. And if not, you tried.Don't be embarrassed to run if you have to run (it's freakin worth it!). They will never see you again, and you gots to get where you gots to go!
WATER. I know it means you have to get up a lot, but trust me! Half the reason you will feel gross and sick traveling, is because you are dehydrated. It keeps your immune system up, your skin actually won't flip out as much, and who cares that you have to go quite a bit, that's an excuse to get out of your chair on that plane!
Its okay to not talk to the person next to you.. if you feel chatty - go for it.. but it's okay to just fall asleep and awkward laugh when you wake up drooling. Once again, you won't meet that person again (probably); and they too, just want to get to their destination. Sounds mean, but honestly you do not have to hear their life story and share yours every time. I sat next to a recruiter from the Navy, a business man headed to Poland (who forgot his coat. lol #suckstosuck), a Mexican women who has lived in Germany for 8 years and is now dating a German guy, a South African soccer player, and at lease 4 people who I never got names or stories to. I felt guilty, but I shouldn't; and neither should you!
Last but not least, just do it. Take that shot from the plane window. You know you want it. #unashamed #hashtagthat #adventure
Oh and last but not least, I hate Atlanta Airport and I always will. I had one hour to get through customs, security, check my luggage in and out, and change terminals. Needless to say, I did cry. And it was a horrific experience of having to go through security twice, being the last person out of baggage claim, missing the tram, and of course, running - lots of running. BUT hey, I flew in the sky and have one of "those" stories. haha who can complain?!