Emily Frazier

Ginny Elise Thompson | Project: Six Questions

Emily Frazier
Ginny Elise Thompson | Project: Six Questions

Project: Six Questions

The goal of this project is to interview the people in my life, new and old, using the same six questions. The current format I’m using is recording the conversation, and then transcribing it word for word afterwords. I’m not sure others will want to read through it like I will, but its for my own records I guess anyways. I also have been photographing with my iphone and editing with my iphone.

So here is one of my best friends Ginny Elise Thompson. We’ve known each other since I was 14, and she was 15. This is Ginny at age 23, interviewed sitting at Society Memphis, after eating a rice krispi treat.

  1. What is a goal you have that you are scared to say out loud?

  2. What’s the hardest thing you have lived through so far? (that you are willing to share?

  3. What is something you wish your younger self would have known?

  4. Who inspires you?

  5. Where do you feel the most safe?

  6. What’s your favorite memory with me so far?

e: What’s a goal you have that you are scared to say out loud?

g: Wow you hit me with the hardest question first. Uhm okay. Toooo uhmm to live in New York City

e: What’s the hardest things you’ve lived through so far? that you want to share…

g: MTR


we start laughing

g: should I stop there or explain that? laughing

e: yeah sure. explain why

g: it was jut the hardest year condensed. It was so much pressure and so compact in terms of what pressure I was putting on my self and the program was putting on me and teaching an urban envirment, living in a new place, grad school. Doing all of those things at the same time. it was just really intense.

e: what is something you wish your younger self would have known?

g: sighs

younger self in general. Maybe like college/younger than college. That you don’t have to know everything. uhm. yeah… you don’t have to know everything about everything. you don’t have to know all the answers to live a life worth living.

e: who inspires you?

g: famous or someone i know personally

e: doesn’t matter. anyone. just one person. right now that inspires you.

g: uhm… silence sighs.

Can i say that the try guys inspire me? laughs i’m reading there book

e: why?

g: I think knowing you has given me an appreciation and understanding of what it is to be independent and lik-

e: wait! whaaat. not about me.

g: e owning a business. I’m getting-

e: I said why the TRY guys!

g: I know! I’m getting there! NOW that I know that. Like what it takes, I know you personally and can better relate to them and going and starting their own business in the millennial online world. Like how they are doing that. How them being vulnerable and normal. And using their fame as a way to like better people that listen to them. And at the same time they make me laugh and I feel like that makes my life better, you know?

e: Yeah! How do they inspire you, lik uhm. not in like a physical way.. but like in a applicable way I guess?

g: I think they inspire me to, even when you are insecure or feel like the best or prettiest or whatever society says you should be, basically be rich or be attractive, find what you are good at and passionate about, and try to get better at it constantly. and go for it. and do it. even if you are not the best yet. or even if you will never be the best. recognize that you have talents and gifts and abilities and passions, and should seek those out. seek advice from other people. Go for it. even if you know you will mess up . Even if you are still insecure. don’t wait to become 100% confident in yourself to do something…. you know?

e: yeah.

g: yeah

e: that’s good…

e: where do you feel most safe?

g: in my parents house

e: What’s your favorite memory with me so far?

g: uhmmmmm favorite memory? okay I think funny.

First thing that comes to mind right now was when we watch titanic to gether. Me, you, and HOpe peck. and you threw up cause you laughed so far

ginny and olivia grace laughing

e: little ddi we know that would be the first of three times

g: so that was a pretty good one right there. yeah… thats a good one

also when we were trying to watch a movie at your paretns house and the power went out. and cupcake was really scared and she didn’t have her storm r jacket

e: didn’t she like throw up or something?

g: no.. i don’t think she did. we slept in yoru parents house. and you started - I remeber this VIVIDLY because we were alone in your parents house, with the lights out and you started talking about uhmmm satatanic influences at your christian church camp.

og: omg yes!

g: I could not sleep.

e: oh my god through hands around her face I’m so sorry.

g: I was so scared. I couldn’t sleep that night. nor probably for many nights.

i don’t think i ever todl you that. I didn’t want to make you feel bad.

e: I’m SO SORRY. I was probably so scared too..

g: You were a verbal processer and sharing all your fears in that moment

all laughing

g; I will never forget that… I was like “aww shiz… there is demons in this house. what if i’m demon possessed”

e: ohmygod I’m seriously so sorry I did that to you!!!!

g; I mean. Its still such a good memory.

g: Oh also that time you found me crying in my closet!

e: YES that was like my favorite memory

g; sophomore or freshman year

e: no it was before freshman. before you started college at all. Iw as coming over to help you pack and I was like “ginny? where are you” and come around the corner and opened your closet door.. and you were like mascara streaming

g; crying in a closet

g: that was a good memory

e: anything else you feel like saying

g: i mean those are pretty iconic

e: no i mean out of the whole thing.

g: oh oh!

e: you are done right? one two three four five six yep

g: I don’t know. I feel like my answers weren’t good enogh

e; NO they were! They are you.

g: yeah you are are right

e: like there isn’t anything to compare them to because its your answers?
