
What’s that? Does it exist in a formula? I feel like we all say the same thing, “You know, stuff I see, hear, and smell
I’m tired of answering like that. But what REALLY inspires you?
Here’s my real long-winded info over load answer:
- white walls
- 67 degree weather
- on the treadmill listening to my jams imagining being Wonder Woman
- when I book a plane ticket
- productivity - if I’ve gotten a lot done
- when I meet someone who get it. Gets my perspective, my dreams, and have the same visions as I do. Sets me on fire.
- long drives with the windows down
- sweating after working out hard
- fresh cleaned sweat shirts
- talking about my childhood home
- experiencing new food
- when I make my mom and dad laugh
The details?
- ceramic/unique mugs at coffee shops
- real wood tables
- natural light
- rain outside my window
- music with a very specific extreme constant beat
- the sound of seagulls
- when people make me a part of a team saying stuff like
“We can”
“Next step, let’s”
“Our current goal is”
“What if we”
- murmer of conversation as I listen to solid music in the midst of that bustle
- heavy drums
- when I hear a group of people singing a song
- the word “influence”
- the words “pushing boundaries
- the word “catalyst”
- my mom and dads laugh
- songs that make me feel and cry. LYRICS, strong strong lyrics.
- after rain air
- high mountain, cold cold air
- curry
- cucumbers (yes, they can be smelled from a far!)
- traffic near by in the rain
- soft music in other languages
- fresh rice
- oysters
Moments that no matter what change the creative game to good:
- On my way home from a happy event, windows down, in comfy clothes down Walnut Grove Road
- Getting home from a long night working, changing into t shirt and joggers, and drinking water to my fav music
- Walks in the rain. I wish we could normalize that.
- Making a really really good vegan meal.
- When someone suggests a picnic
- Jeeps. Jeep rides.
- the first day in a new city
If I’m inspired, I know it. Its like a whole body experience, where I have a choice.
The choice to pursue it, or the choice to continue on my current task.
If I choose the first, I find myself in uncomfortable clothes, with a forgotten meal or drink by my side, enveloped for simply hours.
Its funny that I spend so much of my time trying to stimulate inspiration, by getting into comfortable clothes, sitting in the right position,
Putting on the right music, when if it were to actually come, it doesn’t matter. I’ve found myself in the worst sorts of places, eating my
Least favorite food, with my least favorite people, just churning away.
Its not simple. Its never expected.
So what Inspires you, what are the details.